30 July 2008


This kid has amazed us with this puzzle. He has almost completely memorized the positions of the 45 pieces, he recognizes most of the states' names, he says quite a few of their names (Mississippi is a favorite), and he can put it together by himself if we tell him which piece he should place next. When we mention a state in conversation, he interrupts with a loud, "That's in the America puzzle!" Oh, and he says he will move to Africa some day. According to him, it's in Michigan.

28 July 2008


He wanted to go out in the pouring rain. I gave him a swim diaper and an old jacket to ward off the chill. He had a blast.

26 July 2008


Can you tell someone just woke up?

24 July 2008

He's Out!

22 July 2008


The boy asked me to make a duck. When I gave him a knife, he said "I cut the duck." This was the result. Jeremy is proud.

20 July 2008

Boy Teaches His Grandma How to Play

Watch this part carefully!

You need to play with utmost care!

18 July 2008

Playing It Safe

He wanted to watch fireworks. He wanted to like them. As the booms were wearing his bravado thin, he begged to watch from the car. Here, he's standing in his carseat, looking out the back window. In his words, "That is better!"

16 July 2008


So he's a goofball. What can we say?

14 July 2008

A Boy and His Grandpa

This kid adores all of his grandparents. (Probably because they adore him.)

12 July 2008

Boy and Grandpa Survey the Crowd

The night was full of adventure for a little boy.

11 July 2008

Vintage Boy

I've captured vintage footage! My recording of him never goes as expected, but this time that was a good thing. He inserted several idiosyncracies into a very small amount of space. First, he is excited about singing his “goofy song.” Then he asks, “The goofy song is...?” the way he usually asks questions lately. The Mary Poppins song is perfect for him because it combines silliness with long words. He says the word and we start to sing it, but then he interrupts with, “I want to sing it on the camera.” I'm not sure why that was suddenly so exciting, but it still shows his typical personality. When I drop off for him to pick it up, he says “sound of” correctly, but then he launches into song babble. He keeps the basic tune, as much as usual for him, as well as the meter and feel of the song, but the words are nonsense. I try to help him realize when to end the verse with the last supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, but he's still going strong. Then almost a full line later, he realizes he's missed his exit, and ends abruptly with the word. I love it! So, if you'd like to meet the boy, this is him in a nutshell.

10 July 2008

4th Festivities

The boy got to hear a live orchestra for the first time. After most songs he would request, "More music?"


This is another favorite mall activity. This screen has changing graphics that react to the boy's movement.

08 July 2008

More Fountain Loving

06 July 2008

Loving the Fountain

The boy already finds enjoyment in throwing our money away.

04 July 2008

The Most Wonderful Place on Earth?

Well, the bookstore ranks close to the top, at least.

02 July 2008

Rain Dance

It was sprinkling, and the boy loved it.